We are back in George Town which is on Great Exuma. It's the place where cruisers chicken out from going further South because there isn't really any civilization in the Bahama islands further South until you get to Turks and Caicos. We actually got here on Tuesday after spending a couple of nights at anchorages on Plana Cay and Acklin Island. We were able to get the dogs checked in after a couple of issues. I don't know what I would do without having Amanda back home to help us out getting paperwork faxed and emailed down here.
When we were on Acklin Island we met three other cruiser boats. Two from Canada and one who actually lives on Spanish Wells in the Bahamas. We had a huge bon fire on the beach and Kelsie who is sailing with Chris from Spanish Wells cooked up the rest of Wes's Mahi Mahi. She also made some potatoes and she cooked it all over the fire. It was pretty cool and tasted amazing.
We'll probably stay here until tomorrow than head a little further North.
Potatoes Cooking |
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