Friday, June 3, 2016

The end of an era

Looks like we got to the end of an era, we had our last big hurrah. We are going to be leaving the Bahamas in two days so we took time to go to “Nippers” which is a bar on great guana cay.
It’s a great bar but expensive.  7 dollars a beer, but it has a big following. There had to be 1000 people there yesterday. They are right on the atlantic, so you can get a beer and also swim in the ocean. They also have a pool and several layers of decks, which were all full of people and a lot of them were dancing. We took the dogs and it seemed like everyone there left a dog at home and could not get enough of Max and Lexie.

When I say its the end of an era, I mean that we will no longer have the turquoise waters that we’ve had for the last two years. So we will not be able to jump into these waters anytime we like. We are going to the U.S. up the inter coastal water way. Which I’m sure is nice in many ways but the color and clarity of the water will not be one of them. It’s really kind of sad.

On the other had it will be nice to get back to the U.S. I haven’t been there in a year and a half and there are things that I miss.
 1. Getting any kind of food in the grocery store.
            There have been times where we couldn’t even get hamburger or chicken breasts
 2. Having cell phone coverage everywhere.
             It will be weird to just pick up the phone anytime and call someone.
 3. Being able to talk with all the people.
             Even in “english" speaking countries you can’t always understand what the locals are         saying.
4. Getting parts for what they cost.
             In some places it would cost $100 to ship a part there and duty of $50 to recive it into the     country.

                                                         Dogs on the beach

                                                     Pigs on Gauna Cay

                                                Another sunset

Next stop the US of A


  1. It is so bitter sweet but just remember that it's only a matter of time till your back in those gorgeous turquoise waters. Can't wait to see you guys. We've missed you like crazy!

  2. Wow! That time flew by fast!! Hope to see you when you get back to Loveland!
