Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Our Last Post :(

Well, I guess this will be our last post.  When we started out on this adventure we told everyone and ourselves that we would do this for two years and it's been 2 years and 6 weeks.  We got into Lewes Delaware about two weeks ago and we had the boat pulled out here. We plan on storing it here for an undetermined time. We're not sure what we'll do with her in the future as we are still trying to figure that out  But we've been busy getting the her cleaned and all of our stuff boxed up and shipped home other than the stuff we plan on taking back in the car.  Wes's dad has been keeping care of his car up in New York and he brought the car down last week when we met all of his family in Ocean City Maryland for a week on the beach.  Matt and Amanda came out too and we had a great time.
So we are just finishing everything up and should be out of here tomorrow.  We will take our time getting back to Colorado because Wes wants to visit his old stomping ground while we are out here on the east coast and visit a bunch of his family.  We also plan on taking a couple of detours because there are 7 states that I haven't been to and 3 that Wes hasn't so we are going to try to hit all of these on the way back other than Alaska, which we will need to probably plan a cruise for that one.  But this is another thing that we would like to check off our bucket list. 

I truly can't believe that it has been two years but WOW what an awesome two years it has been.  We have seen some of the coolest places and met some of the nicest people.  I really want to thank Wes for taking such good care of us on this adventure.  I certainly could not have been able to do this without him.    There were some very stressful times but we made it through and he always seemed to know what to do and kept calm while I was pulling my hair out and about in tears.  I also want to thank our three kids who supported us through this whole thing and came down to visit us.

I want to tell you all that if you have a dream or a bucket list, do everything in your power to make it happen.  When Wes and I would sit at our favorite Mexican restaurant back in Loveland talking about this Tropical Diversion we were skeptical that it would happen but then when we finally said "Let's Do It", that was the best thing we ever did.  Make your dreams happen because they won't happen on their own.  I know they say it all the time, but life is too short not to make your dreams come true.  We will forever have the memories of these past two years and hopefully we will be able to get out on the water again and sail some new places and have more of you come down and visit.  Thank you for following our blog and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed living it.

I think Karen has said about all there is to say. Thanks for following us on our adventure. It's been a great two years.  
Pulling the boat out in Lewes Delaware
Me with my toes/feet in the sand
Sunset at Fager's Island  

One Last Sunset



  1. What a journey it truly has been. Thanks for sharing it with us and taking us everywhere with you. We appreciate it. I hope this motivates everyone else as much as it motivates me to start checking off my bucket list.I think Justin McBride says it well "It's sure been a good ride. We sure had some good times. It's hard to walk away from what ya love. It's sure been a good ride. But ya gotta go sometime."
    Love you both and I so look up to you & am so proud of you for doing this!

    1. Thank you for the awesome comment Amanda. Can't wait to see ya in a few weeks.
